Rohingya from Sittwe: Stateless to Homeless
Last night, a group of Rakines set fire at some buildings belong to Markinnya along the downtown in Mawleik area of Sittwe. But It was stop on time after military and police forces arrived there.
Today, chief of state Immigration Instruction arrived at Sittwe from Yangon and he accompanied by Rakhine politicians toured all affected areas.
He instructed local authority that he don't want to see any muslim residing in the town. Local authority informed based on administrative instruction, a few remaining Rohingya houses in the town would also be relocated in designated areas of refugee camp along Dar-baine village.
A few hour later, local immigration authority announced to conduct immigration status of Rohingya and began it from afternoon in Sakki fara (Thakkaybyin village).
Authorities say that they are providing eight square feet tent for each muslim homeless family and the signboards of "Ethnic People' Land" are erected in all over Rohingya lands which were burnt down during sectarian attacks.

(Homeless Rohingyans standing in front of their tents of designated refugee camp along Dar-baine village)
According to Narinjara news report, the Chairman of the Merchant Association of Arakan, U Shwe Tun Aung said in the meeting that this is the time for the government to distinguish its nationals and the immigrants and to be decisive for its union and sovereignty. (It can be read at- )