Ethnic Cleansing Nightmare: Buddhist Bloodstains on Burma's Barren Soul

Source form Sittwe ERCA.

 Just what is it that forces human beings to behave like the most savage beasts? Here are a couple of insights I am gleaning from my work.
First, when committing war crimes, be sure to do a really thorough job of destroying the person or people you attack. Make their final appearance 'unacceptable' to the photo editors and then Two Rohingya brothers brutally slaughtered by Rakhine terrorists and security forces and killed in Ah Nauk Pyin village.your murders of civilian innocents will never be seen by anyone!
For example, I have photos from the Sri Lanka government Genocide against Tamils in 2009 where part of a fetus is sticking out of the slain mother's belly. It is just too grotesque to use, so the public never sees it because even hardened human rights and war reporters like myself are too squeamish to do so.
War Crime lesson 2... when your vaunted political heroes show us they are not who you thought they were, give them a big award for doing nothing, such as Barack Obama who stated he would close Guantanamo Bay and instead failed to keep his word and was given a Nobel Peace Prize, or...
Yeah, this is the one that bugs me. The little birds fly around Suu Kyi's head singing in unison like in a Disney cartoon; in Beyond Rangoon they portray her as having the ability to stand down a whole regiment of soldiers without a word. I spent so many years just smiling if I pictured her face because I thought, 'someday Burma will be free and she will be at the top politically where she deserves to be'. I believed that day would come and that it would always inspire people.
Setting fire to Rohingya villages- an act that was carried out by Rakhine & Security forces


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