Arakan's Buthidaung Jail Becomes Secret Rohingya Killing Center
Arakan's Buthidaung Jail Becomes Secret Rohingya Killing Center
Source Salam news, 16 Oct
Visit of International and Myanmar Investigation teams to this jail is a clarion call of Muslim Rohingyas.
Buthidaung jail in Sittwe
(DHAKA, Bangladesh) - (Editor's note: I just wrote a brand new piece last night about the recovery of the body of a police jail torture victim: Tortured to Death in Burma -Extremely Graphic!. Needless to say, there appears to be a strong relationship in this new article by Nurul Islam)
The death of a Buddhist woman, Ma Thida Twe, Tongup in last May, 2012 brought peril for the vulnerable Muslim Rohingyas living in Burma's Arakan state.
The Buddhist Rakhines have been motivated the Ma Thida death case and view it as a political issue and in this context, the Rakhine villains with the help of Rakhine Police first killed 10 Muslim pilgrims (Non-Rohingya) and then torched Rohingya villages in Maungdaw, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Sittwe and in more places in early June.
This caused more than 1,000 Muslim Rohingyas to lose their lives; more than 4000 Muslim houses were burnt down and more than 100,000 Muslims were displaced and missing.
The displaced Rohingya refugees are living in unhealthy tents mostly in Sittwe and being faced starvation and falling sick due to inadequate food supply and lack of treatment and medicines.
Monks in Myanmar demonstrating against the opening of The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC's) humanitarian aids providing offices in Myanmar and finally president, U Thein Sein expressed his solidarity with the demonstrators.
In fact, An agreement between OIC and Thein Sein govt was signed recently. It is no doubt that Thein Sein is playing double standard and he is a sham. The leaders of Rakhines Party RNDP are masterminds of the demonstrations against OIC.
The Maungdaw police arrested more than 1,000 innocent Rohingyas soon after ended sectarian violations and sent to Buthidaung jail (a living hell).
According to available reports from reliable sources, the jail authority kept the Rohingyas in a room bulit to hold 100 prisoners and the Rohingyas are living there 'squeezingly'.
The sources said, "unable to depict the story of police persecutions in jail and almost every day innocent Rohingyas are dying in jail. But the jail authority is not giving the dead bodies to their families and (they are) being buried in a secret place, near the jail where no one dare to go and see. The police did not show the list of arrestees and even dead list. The Rohingyas in jail are facing food and medicine crisis.
Every day morning the police reportedly take a group of Rohingyas to a dark room and torture them mercilessly for the whole day and in the evening bring them back to the jail room. Almost every day, Rohingyas are dying in jail.
The jail authority is not allowing family members to supply food, medicine and cloths in jail. Most are dying due to lack of treatment and medicines.
Now, police additionally prepared another arrest warrant list of 850 more Rohingyas and raiding villages with the list of arrest warrant and using it as a contrivance of money extorting from innocent Rohingyas.
The special UN envoy Quantana visited in Buthidaung jail revealed the real situation of the jail. But the Buddhists declined his neutral report and demonstrated against his report and demanded prohibiting him from visiting Myanmar.
The Myanmar investigation team also visited Buthidaung. But no proper investigation has been done in jail and they went back to Yangon.
How long such a fragile situation in Buthidaung jail be allowed to be continue?
The Muslim Rohingyas from Arakan highly demanded immediate visit of International and Myanmar Investigation teams in this notorious Buthidaung jail because Buthidaung jail becomes world worst persecuting center. They also humbly requested president U Thien Sein to allow visit of International reporters to this jail.
Source: Telephonic Conversation with most reliable Sources
Nurul Islam is a Human Rights activist in Bangladesh, e-mail: