Waiting For Hope : List of Rohingya died from starvation in Kyauktaw, Minbya and Mrauk U

Source Eldersledge , 8 Jan A Look At The Blockades' Affects (part of The Darkness Visible series) ( December 03, 2012 Rohingya Children Starving in Burma ) In Burma the blockades still stand. Living testaments to the savagery of a government dedicated to the annihilation of the Rohingya, the police and military still hold back much needed food, water, and medicines. This incredibly disturbing method of warfare is dead set on starving the Rohingya out of existence. And yet for the past few months I have been unable to pinpoint where and how this method was being used. Today that changed. Thanks to Jamila Hanan, an activist on Twitter, I was able to finally get my hands on some hard facts. The information however is nothing to be celebrated. For the man who sent it out of Burma is still stuck inside living the same hell his Rohingya brothers are suffering through. Aung Aung posted the following information earlier this month. ( Life For The Roh...